A Pathway to SuccessOntario Secondary
School Diploma (OSSD)

The Toronto Imperial School Dual Diploma program provides students with the opportunity to obtain a diploma from their local school and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is an esteemed educational credential that serves as a gateway to various opportunities for students in Canada and all over the world.

What is the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)? 

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma is the standard high school diploma awarded to students who successfully complete the prescribed curriculum in Ontario, Canada. It signifies the successful completion of secondary education and is widely accepted by universities and colleges worldwide.

Advantages of Toronto Imperial School

All subjects in our school are designed by our highly skilled academic team and have received accreditation as academic credits. These credits can be used to work towards achieving the OSSD diploma.

Support of teachers and tutors included
The program duration is 2 or 3 years
4 lessons a week on an interactive platform
The program is designed for Grades 10 to 12


Students around the globe in achieving their educational goals


Esteemed partner universities located in the UK, the USA, Canada


22 years of experience in the global education sector


to support deserving individuals in their academic pursuits

Recognized Diploma

80% lower fees for High School certificate

2-3 years to obtain a Canadian High School diploma online

Combined with local school classes

Guaranteed admission to partner universities


Study Options

Students enrolled in the Dual Diploma program with TIS, have the unique opportunity to earn two high school diplomas at one time.
Our curriculum with two study options allows students to complete their diploma from their local school at the same time as studying online with Toronto Imperial School towards earning their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Students can choose our premium options where they will have live classes as part of the package.

All students no matter which option they choose will have tutor support to monitor their progress throughout the course and ensure their success in the program. As well students will have live student-teacher conferences to be able to review assignments or course content.
Study Option
Independent package
  • Self-paced Learning
  • 3 Platform Lessons per Week
  • 1 Weekly Webinar with a Teacher
  • Multimedia Content
  • Tutor Support
  • Assignment Check
  • Feedback on Progress
Study Option
Premium package
  • Teacher-Interactive Learning
  • 1 Platform Lesson per Week
  • Live Lessons with a Teacher
  • Group Lessons
  • Tutor Support
  • Set Schedule
  • Assignment Check
  • Feedback on Progress
  • Uni Representative Guest Speakers
Toronto Imperial School students

Yearning for Consultancy?

If you wish to discuss the optimal strategies for your student's university preparation and explore the finest options, our consultants are here to assist you. Please leave your mobile number, and we will contact you at your earliest convenience.

Regus Yorkville Center 1235 Bay Street, 5th Floors, Office No. 511, Toronto, Ontario M5R 3K4

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Toronto Imperial School, BSID №881941. All rights reserved © 2023.

Toronto Imperial School, BSID №881941. All rights reserved © 2023.