Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite Courses

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas nulla nibh, condimentum non ultrices a, efficitur vel turpis. Curabitur sit amet nibh felis. Etiam eu diam sit amet lorem ornare aliquam. Suspendisse quam odio, ultrices sed luctus et, porta nec magna. Etiam ut diam justo. Vestibulum quam velit, feugiat sit amet orci sed, molestie dapibus nisi. Donec malesuada nunc sollicitudin nulla hendrerit, sed suscipit magna fringilla.

Cras in euismod dolor, quis lobortis velit. Nunc quis lorem vulputate, dignissim orci et, congue nulla. Etiam mattis nisi ac aliquam hendrerit. Quisque diam justo, pellentesque tempus eleifend pulvinar, malesuada a nunc. Sed efficitur facilisis ornare. Sed congue, urna egestas ullamcorper congue, nisi leo laoreet elit, sed viverra sem nulla eget justo. Fusce ullamcorper ex at quam aliquam ornare.


Prerequisites are courses that must be satisfactorily completed before undertaking another course. These prerequisites are clearly outlined in the official curriculum policy documents provided by the ministry, and only courses specified therein may be recognized as prerequisites.

You can see the prerequisites for any course we offer in our course descriptions.

Waiving prerequisites

Waiving prerequisites refers to the process of exempting a student from the requirement to complete a prerequisite course before enrolling in another course. This waiver is typically granted based on specific circumstances, such as prior knowledge or experience, academic proficiency, or individualized educational needs. The decision to waive prerequisites is made by the school principal or designated authority after considering various factors and consulting with relevant stakeholders, including parents and school staff.

How We Teach

Backed by a sophisticated learning platform with real-time online classrooms.

Toronto Imperial School offers live classes with teachers, where students can interact and receive immediate feedback.

Our cutting-edge platform includes guides, materials, resources, and assignments, in addition to testing, tracking performance and outcomes.

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The school that revolves around you

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Our curriculum

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Grades 8 to 12

The program is designed to fully prepare students for the upper-level yearly program and includes ESL preparation, as well as University adaptation and exam skills.

Fast Track to University

Grades 10 to 12

Academic preparation for further University studies program with career design and IELTS exam skills built into the course. A chance to stand out of the applicants’ crowd and maybe even get a scholarship applying to the top universities in the world.

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