Course coding system

Course coding system

The course code of all courses at the TORONTO IMPERIAL School consists of a five-character code as designated by the Ministry of Education and Training in Ontario:

The first three characters represent the course descriptor/subject e.g., ENG stands for English.

The fourth character refers to the grade level:

1 = grade 9;
2 = grade 10;
3 = grade 11;
4 = grade 12.

The fifth character refers to the type of course (as will be defined on the following pages):

D = Academic;
P = Applied;
U = University;
M = University/College;
C = College;
O = Open;
E = Workplace.

For example

For example, ENG4U, which expounded refers to:
the course descriptor — ENG: English;
the grade — 12 (i.e., 4 — Grade 12);
the course type — University (i.e., U – University).

Another example would be MHF4U,
Advanced Functions.

Course Descriptor


Course Type

Course Title

M: Math

HF: Advanced Functions

1 — Grade 9

2 — Grade 10

3 — Grade 11

4 — Grade 12

D Academic

P Applied

O Open

U University

C College

E Workplace

M University or College

W Destreamed

Advanced Functions,
Grade 12

Course Descriptor

M: Math

HF: Advanced Functions


1 — Grade 9

2 — Grade 10

3 — Grade 11

4 — Grade 12

Course Type

D Academic

P Applied

O Open

U University

C College

E Workplace

M University or College

W Destreamed

Course Title

Advanced Functions,
Grade 12

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