Universities’ Application Centre

Universities’ Application Centre

Place for page subtitle

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“OUAC” stands for Ontario Universities’ Application Centre.

The OUAC is an application processing centre for undergraduate admissions to Ontario Universities. The OUAC receives student applications, processes them and transfers the information to the universities. The OUAC does not make admission decisions; that is the universities’ responsibility.

For students applying through OUAC, you will first need to add “Ontario Virtual School” within the Academic Background section of your OUAC account to allow our administration access to your application. Once you have added us, simply check off “101” when requesting your report card and we will update your mark directly to OUAC for you. For students applying to university as a 105, simply provide the university’s admissions email as well as your student ID number.

You can access your OUAC account by following this link to the OUAC login page.

This OVS blog will help you through the application process.

The new Undergraduate Application and Guide are available at:

How-to videos and PowerPoint/PDF tutorials showing applicants how to use the new application are available at:

The OUAC only collects and updates marks for students applying to at least ONE university within Ontario. However, the OUAC will also assist the following out-of-province universities with collecting academic data for Ontario high school students who have applied to at least one Ontario university through the OUAC:

  • Acadia University
  • Bishop’s University
  • The University of British Columbia
  • Concordia University
  • Dalhousie University
  • McGill University
  • Saint Mary’s University
  • Simon Fraser University
  • The University of Victoria

Students who apply to these out-of-province universities can authorize the universities to request their academic information from the OUAC. To authorize them, the applicant must include their 11-digit OUAC Reference Number on the university’s application form, where the 11th digit is always “0”. NOTE: If you do not intend to apply to any universities within Ontario, you would simply apply through your selected schools directly. Once your application has been processed and a student number issued to you, please contact admin@ontariovirtualschool.ca to have your OVS documents forwarded.


Important Dates & Deadlines

Application, Offer & Response Deadlines

January 15, 2024

The deadline for current Ontario high school students to submit their completed applications to the OUAC.

Note: The OUAC will continue to process applications received after this date and distribute them to the Ontario universities; however, specific university deadlines will apply.

May 29, 2024

The latest date all current Ontario high school students who submitted their application by the January application deadline can expect a response from an Ontario university. This includes an offer of admission, a refusal or a deferral, once additional information is received.

June 3, 2024

The earliest date a current Ontario high school student may be required to respond to an Ontario university offer of admission and give a financial commitment (e.g., registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.).

All other admission-related elements, including scholarships, other forms of student assistance or financial incentives, and offers of residence, are considered part of the offer of admission. Therefore, a student may accept these other offers before June 3, 2024, but Ontario universities will not compel a student in any way to make a decision before this date.

Other Key Dates

August 2023

The OUAC launches Ontario Universities’ Info and begins posting application material with updated information for fall 2024 admission.

September to November 2023

Ontario’s universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in fall 2023. These events are all free and anyone may attend.

  • Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs
    September 25 – November 16, 2023
  • Ontario Universities’ Fair
    October 21-22, 2023
  • Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions (virtual)
    September 26 and November 22, 2023
November 24, 2023

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all midterm or final grades available for 4U/M courses from the OUAC.

January 23, 2024

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all application data and grades from the OUAC for applications submitted by January 15, 2024.

February 22, 2024

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all final grades available for 4U/M courses and current full-year grades for 4U/M courses from the OUAC.

May 2, 2024

Target date for Ontario universities to receive all midterm or final grades available for 4U/M courses and interim grades for full-year courses from the OUAC. The OUAC will send grades we receive before the deadline to Ontario universities when they are received.

June 5, 2024

The date the Admission Information Service (AIS) opens. The AIS allows you to determine which Ontario universities still have spots available in first-year undergraduate programs.

July 11, 2024

Target date for the OUAC to send all remaining final grades to the Ontario universities. The OUAC will attempt to contact all schools that have not provided their grades.

August 1 to 30, 2024

The OUAC collects summer school grades from Ontario high schools and school boards.

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