Exams at Toronto Imperial School

Exams at TIS: challenge accepted

Spoiler: We Did It! The Christmas holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to learning. January at Toronto Imperial School was all about exams. Students in Ukraine, Poland, and Cyprus put in best efforts to showcase their knowledge.

In Grades 9 and 10, students took the Academic English exam after a semester of study. The exam had two parts: a written essay and a project defense. The project aimed to demonstrate the students’ ability to apply their new knowledge and skills in a real-world context. Students received their project topics a month before the exam, giving them ample time for preparation. They worked in groups, which helped develop their teamwork, communication and interaction skills. All students passed the course, earned their first credit and advanced to the next level of their education.

Grade 11 students focused on the subject: World Cultures. In March 2024, they will take the exam, to earning a credit and a transcript to include in their college application portfolios.

Our students are on their way to earning a dual Canadian diploma. To qualify for higher education abroad, they must earn 6 credits. Each credit signifies the successful completion of a course, demonstrating their academic readiness and breadth of knowledge. These credits increase their chances of admission to prestigious educational institutions by showcasing their academic preparedness.

We are immensely proud of our students!
