Exhibition highlights in Türkiye

Opening new horizons for international education

Our participation in Turkey’s exhibition was a significant step in presenting Canadian education to Turkish students and their families. We proudly showcased our unique options, including Canadian secondary education, educational trips abroad and the University Fast Track program. These programs caught the audience’s interest, especially the Fast Track Program for those aiming for top colleges and universities. The educational trips were a hit, as such options are new to students in Turkey!


A special bonus was the free IELTS registration certificate for those who enrolled in the preparatory program at the event.


The exhibition was a resounding success, providing a platform to connect with parents and students seeking quality international education that builds academic and life skills. We also established valuable partnerships to develop our programs further and spread the Canadian education model.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to IEFT for the exceptional organization and the chance to introduce our educational programs to the Turkish audience!


This experience opened new horizons and reinforced the importance of a personalized approach to every student. Thanks to everyone who supported us, and we look forward to future meetings!
