Awards, Accreditation & Testimonials

Awards, Accreditation & Testimonials

From glowing parent testimonials to our awards and accreditation status, take a look around the endorsements that highlight our school's ongoing commitment to excellence.
A new testimonial document will be available for download soon.


MVA is a Cambridge International accredited school, which means we’re recognised as being a world-class education institution that’s committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning.

The accreditation process praised our virtual school model, and, in addition, provides us access to an expansive network of global resources, bolstering our educational offerings for the benefit of all our students.

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Minerva’s Virtual Academy is now entering Phase 2 of the Online Education Accreditation Scheme (OEAS).

We are doing everything we can to support the DfE in finalising this process, and we hope to have more news to share in the next 6 months.


TIS student reviews

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